
who is he

Murk Moments

Entertainment For Everyone


So I’m suppose to write something funny or clever about myself here that’ll make you want to check out my stream/youtube, but screw that! I’m just a regular guy who is ok at best on some video games. Most of the times I’m playing a game I think you’ll enjoy to watch and interact with me. More often then not I’ll get stuck on a part that is suppose to only take 5-10min, but I’ll be there 15+ min yelling the game is broken.

I started fulltime streaming at the start of Jan 2021, but been doing this since mid 2019. Who knew having a FT job and FT streaming would be a lot!

If you somehow came across this block of text, you’re most likely already apart of the stream and community, BUT BY CHANCE you aren’t, I’d love to get the chance to meet you and see if I only like or love you! Don’t be shy, stop by the stream!

Some cool merch if you want to support my Degeneracy  work

I don’t know, here’s some stuff below







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